Tryouts for the Manitoba Missiles age groups 2002, 2001 (GRADE 9 and GRADE 10 boys), will be held at Linden Woods Community Center, 414 Lindenwood Dr W, Winnipeg, MB on Sat Aug 27, 2016 from 12:00-2:30 pm.
- This will be a new club team for the 2016/17 season. The Coaches are trained level 2 NCCP.
- They volunteer their time to basketball for the kids and love of the game. We are focused on skill development, defense, offence concepts and conditioning.
- We will be playing in local and out of town tournaments and in a city league.
- Please show up 20 mins prior to register.
- Bring your own basketballs, water bottle, light and dark t-shirt or reversible.
- The fee is $20, to be paid at tryout. Pay cash or cheque. Registration forms can be filled out prior or it can be filled out at the Linden Woods CC.
For more information contact: Coach Bern LeBlanc or Coach Krishna Armogan