Philosophy of Volunteer Involvement:

Volunteers are valued and respected by Basketball Manitoba and are viewed as a key component of the sport delivery system. The organization actively seeks volunteers’ input and involvement on programs, policies and procedures.  It is important for volunteers to be clear on their role and responsibilities and how these relate to the mission of Basketball Manitoba.  Volunteers enhance the programs and services provided and when assisting staff with programs and services act at the direction of staff.

Definition of Volunteer:

A volunteer is a person who by choice and without financial compensation contributes time and service to assist in fulfilling the mission of Basketball Manitoba.


Supervision: Every volunteer will be accountable to a staff member or another volunteer.  Based on Basketball Manitoba’s structure, the organization has several clearly designated individuals (volunteer or paid staff) with appropriate experience, skills, or qualifications who are responsible for volunteer involvement.  These individuals are provided with training, support, and the resources for working effectively with volunteers.

Recruitment: Volunteer recruitment incorporates internal and external strategies to reach out and involve a diverse volunteer base. 

Recruitment is designed to attract potential and appropriate volunteers from the community in response to the requirements of Basketball Manitoba.  The process used will ensure volunteers with the appropriate skills, experience and interests are best matched to the goals and objectives of our programs and to fulfilling the mission of the organization.  All volunteers will be recruited according to risk management and screening standards.

Volunteer Assignments:  Volunteer assignments are designed to fulfill the mission or purpose of Basketball Manitoba and involve volunteers in meaningful ways that reflect their abilities, needs, and backgrounds. 

Volunteer assignment positions have written descriptions that include duties, responsibilities, the skills needed, time and training required. 

Basketball Manitoba Risk Management policies and standards adopted by the organization will be implemented when designing roles for volunteers to ensure the safety of all involved.

Volunteer positions are reviewed as needed with staff and volunteers to ensure relevance and value. Updates and changes are made as required. 

Screening:  Screening provides Basketball Manitoba with the tools and standards to manage risk to protect our athletes, programs and volunteers and ensures the mission of the organization is being fulfilled.

All volunteer positions are assessed for level of risk.  Screening measures are developed and used according to the level of risk of the position.  All volunteer applicants will be screened based on criteria established through the risk assessment.  Risk assessments are completed for each category of volunteer. Screening standards are based on the requirements of the positions and are consistently applied. Screening standards will be reviewed and revised on a regular basis.  

The following three categories of volunteers should be recognized:

  • Those who are, or may be, in regular close physical contact with athletes (such as coaches, trainers, volunteers, drivers etc.).
  • Those who have administrative or fiscal responsibilities such as committee members.
  • Those who volunteer for one day or single events and have limited involvement with athletes or in any fiscal affairs.

Screening occurs throughout the volunteers’ history with Basketball Manitoba and could include but is not limited to:

  • Job Description and Position Description
  • Recruitment
  • Intake: Application, interview, appropriate checks
  • Orientation and Training
  • Supervision
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Return after an extended absence.

Training & Orientation: It is the responsibility of the designated supervisor (staff or volunteer) assigned to the volunteer to provide appropriate orientation and training to new volunteers. 

Each volunteer receives an orientation to Basketball Manitoba and its mission, programs and services as well as all pertinent policies and procedures, and to the work to which the volunteer has been assigned. Volunteers are advised of any risk associated with their positions and the measures taken to minimize or alleviate risks. 

Confidentiality:  Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all information they are exposed to while serving as a volunteer.  Volunteers with access to sensitive information will be provided with a copy of the Basketball Manitoba Privacy Policy. 

Insurance Coverage & Expenses:  Basketball Manitoba maintains adequate general liability insurance coverage to ensure that volunteers are covered for any third-party bodily injury or property damage they may cause during their volunteer work.  This includes Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance.  

The safety, welfare, and health of volunteers are a high priority in all the organization’s operations. However, volunteers are insured only when performing their duties as outlined in their volunteer job description.  

Volunteers are entitled to reimbursement of allowable and pre-approved expenses incurred while fulfilling assigned duties. The supervising staff member will submit any expense reimbursement requests according to Basketball Manitoba’s procedures.

Supervision and feedback: A staff member or another volunteer will supervise volunteers. All staff and committees participate in an annual review and evaluation process of programs, providing volunteers with the opportunity to offer input and receive feedback. Volunteer communication is always encouraged at any time for volunteers to bring their comments or concerns forward to their appropriate supervisor or staff person responsible.  

There is a debriefing following major programs and events, either in the form of a survey or at a subsequent committee meeting. The staff and board, when appropriate, will review the feedback and incorporate this into the future program, work, or event plans. 

Recognition: Basketball Manitoba recognizes the valuable contributions made by volunteers at all levels towards achieving its mission. All volunteers will be recognized for their volunteer activity on an ongoing basis. 

All recognition will be offered in such a way that is sincere and meaningful to the volunteer. The quality and time required to perform the service(s) will be taken into consideration when selecting the manner and type of recognition to be given. Volunteer recognition will occur both formally and informally.

Resignation: Volunteers have the right to resign from volunteer service at any time. Basketball Manitoba requests that volunteers who intend to resign provide advance notice of their departure and a reason for their decision.  Wherever possible, the supervisor should conduct an exit interview or survey with the volunteer.

Dismissal:  Volunteers who do not follow policies and procedures of the organization, or who fail to satisfactory perform their agreed-upon volunteer assignments may be subject to dismissal.  

A volunteer will not be dismissed until the volunteer has been provided with an opportunity to discuss the reasons for the possible dismissal with the staff members responsible. Wherever possible, Basketball Manitoba will endeavour to take progressive corrective action; however, grounds for immediate dismissal may include, but are not limited to; abuse or mistreatment of participants, staff or other volunteers, failure to abide by organization policies and procedures, theft of property or deliberate misuse of organization resources and being intoxicated while actively volunteering. 

Evaluation of volunteer impact and contribution: Volunteers are a valuable asset to Basketball Manitoba, and as such, the impact and contributions of volunteers will be regularly evaluated. The impact of volunteers is measured in two ways - their contribution in terms of time/hours and their contribution to the strategic priorities and business plan of the organization. The strategic priorities identify who within Basketball Manitoba is responsible for taking the lead on each priority. Staff and committees normally take the lead on the research, development, and recommendations to the board on each priority. The board will evaluate the progress made on each priority, and the success of the plan will be a result of the contributions of the volunteers. 

This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis, and revisions will be made as deemed necessary.

Basketball Manitoba Screening Process for Volunteers

It will be the shared responsibility of Basketball Manitoba to ensure all paid positions and volunteers have been screened appropriately.

Screening and Timeline Requirements for Basketball Manitoba Members

Team Coach, Manager or Event/Program Volunteer

  • Criminal Records Check via Sterling BackCheck
  • Child Abuse Registry Check                                                                                     

To be performed by a local law enforcement agency and/or through an approved online service, such as Winnipeg Police, local RCMP office or online via Sterling Backcheck. 

Basketball Manitoba will accept a Background Check within 1 year from the date that the person is beginning their time as a Basketball Manitoba member (must be the original copy).  

A background check is to be performed on an above-defined person every FIFTH (5) year since the last check has been completed.


If the Background Check reveals a previous criminal activity, that person’s rejection may be appealed to Basketball Manitoba’s Appeal Committee.  It will be at the discretion of the Appeal Committee to decide if that volunteer will be allowed to participate and in what capacity.  Things the committee may consider: 

  • Relevance of record to position
  • Efforts at rehabilitation
  • When the infraction took place
  • Proof of record

Valid Driver’s License

Any employee/volunteer entrusted to drive a vehicle provided by Basketball Manitoba (including but not limited to rented vehicles, mission staff vehicles, VIP vehicles, cartage vehicles and athlete buses and charters) is required to have a valid Driver’s License.   All Drivers will need the appropriate class of license to drive the type of vehicles used within the games program.  A copy of all drivers’ licenses will be kept at a secured place with Basketball Manitoba (proof of license).


  • No pardons for sex offences have been given out since March 12, 2012.  At that time the Safe Streets and Communities Act came into force.  From that day forward, pardons are no longer granted and were replaced by record suspensions. Any subsequent convictions will be revealed in the Background check, and further to that – any pending charges will be also flagged in the Background Check, including charges, warrants, probation orders, summary convictions, prohibition orders, peace bonds, release orders AND convictions.  
  • If the required screening process has not been fully completed prior to the start of any basketball activities, the applicant will not be allowed to participate in any basketball activity.
  • If a coach’s CARC reveals an incident, the coach will not be permitted to attend the Canada Games in any circumstance. This is not appealable.
  • Basketball Manitoba reserves the right to reject the participation of any coach whose screening results reveal previous criminal activity. However, the coach’s rejection may be appealed to Basketball Manitoba’s Appeal Committee. When determining whether to accept or deny the appeal, the Committee will consider the relevance of the infraction, efforts at rehabilitation, and the date of the infraction. 
  • Appeals should be submitted to Basketball Manitoba's Executive Director. Staff or the Appeal Committee may request more information from the Appellant coach. The results of the appeal will be provided to the Appellant within one month of the appeal.


Policy approved by the Basketball Manitoba Board of Directors on September 27, 2021.  Amended November 29, 2021, and September 23, 2024.  


Basketball Manitoba Respect in Sport Policy

Purpose of the Policy:

  1. Basketball Manitoba is committed to creating a sport environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Coaches have a responsibility to create a sporting environment that is free of harassment and abuse.

  2. Basketball Manitoba requires that all coaches participating in Basketball have completed the online Respect in Sport as required by Sport Manitoba.

Scope and Application:

  1. The policy applies to all coaches registered with; or named on an official Basketball Manitoba team roster; or under the jurisdiction of Basketball Manitoba.

  2. Any coach or trainer not having completed the program or maintained certified status in the timeframe established by Basketball Manitoba (which is currently every FIVE years) may be removed as a coach until such time that the course is completed.

  3. The Board of Directors for Basketball Manitoba, through the Association’s Staff, is responsible for setting out the communication and timing of course completion and recertification.


  1. Non-compliance with this policy may result in further discipline as determined by the Board of Directors or in accordance with other applicable Basketball Manitoba policies.

Review and Approval:

  1. This policy was approved by the Board of Directors and will be reviewed by the Executive Committee on an annual basis. 

Approved by the Basketball Manitoba Board of Directors on January 30, 2023.

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