
Varsity Boys Game Results
AAAA #2 St. Paul's 83, AAAA #5 Sturgeon Heights 73
AAAA #7 Miles Macdonell 89, MBCI 76
AAA #1 Westwood 91, Daniel McIntyre 58
AAA #1 Westwood 91, Daniel McIntyre 58
AAA #3 Elmwood 76, AAA #6 Churchill 61
AAA #7 Transcona 76, Selkirk 69
AA #1 Niverville 64, AA #5 Green Valley 59
Maples 91, Garden City 86
St. James 72, Shaftesbury 50
St. Boniface 69, The King's School 55
St. Norbert 84, Northlands Parkway 50
Lac du Bonnet 56, Wanipigow 32
A #7 Ste. Rose 78, McCreary 60 [Exhibition]
Tuesday results
AAA #6 Churchill 63, Stonewall 44
AAA #7 Transcona 76, Selkirk 69
AA #1 Niverville 64, AA #5 Green Valley 59
Maples 91, Garden City 86
St. James 72, Shaftesbury 50
St. Boniface 69, The King's School 55
St. Norbert 84, Northlands Parkway 50
Lac du Bonnet 56, Wanipigow 32
A #7 Ste. Rose 78, McCreary 60 [Exhibition]
Tuesday results
AAA #6 Churchill 63, Stonewall 44
A #6 Glenboro 64, Prairie Mountain 53
Crocus Plains 72, Neelin 62
Westpark 66, St. Paul's Collegiate 62
Melita/Hartney/Deloraine 67, Virden 62
Killarney 69, Wawanesa 56
Grandview 85, A #10 Gilbert Plains 77 [Exhibition]
Crocus Plains 72, Neelin 62
Westpark 66, St. Paul's Collegiate 62
Melita/Hartney/Deloraine 67, Virden 62
Killarney 69, Wawanesa 56
Grandview 85, A #10 Gilbert Plains 77 [Exhibition]
See more results, standings and schedules at mhsaa.ca and stattrackers.net
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Varsity Girls Game Results
AAAA #5 Sisler 76, AAAA #2 Fort Richmond 56
AAAA #3 Daniel McIntyre 82, Tec Voc 46
AAAA #8 Miles Macdonell 80, Garden City 52
Kildonan-East 52, AAAA #10 River East 48
AAA #2 St. Norbert 49, AAA #6 Northlands Parkway 31
AAA #7 St. John's-Ravenscourt 84, Leo-Remillard 40
A #9 Wanipigow 49, Lac du Bonnet 47
Churchill 63, Elmwood 54
Stonewall 44, Grant Park 37
Westwood 49, John Taylor 36
Maples 46, MBCI 36
Shaftesbury 82, Kelvin 61
Sagkeeng Anicinabe 70, Powerview 18
Immanuel Christian 38, St. Boniface 29
Tuesday results
A #8 Hamiota 48, Major Pratt 32 [Zone 10 Final]
Major Pratt 45, Strathclair 43 [Zone 10 Semifinal]
A #10 Wawanesa 45, Killarney 16
Crocus Plains 65, Neelin 54
Stonewall 71, Churchill 43
A #5 Gilbert Plains 54, Grandview 23 [Exhibition]
Pilot Mound 72, Nellie McClung 59
W.C. Miller 61, Morden 53
Tuesday results
AAAA #1 Kildonan-East 73, AAAA #3 Miles Macdonell 70
AAAA #4 St. Paul's 88, John Taylor 55
Sturgeon Heights 84, AAAA #6 Oak Park 78
AAAA #9 Glenlawn 111, Steinbach 55
Crocus Plains 64, Vincent Massey BDN 38 [Zone 15 Championship - Game 1]
Treherne/St. Claude 41, Glenboro/Baldur 30
Rivers 64, Neepawa 38
W.C. Miller 77, Morden 12
AAA #10 Jeanne-Sauve 35, Lorette 15 [Exhibition]
Tuesday results
AAAA #1 Dakota 68, St. Norbert 20
AAAA #4 Sisler 75, St. Mary's 30
AAA #10 Jeanne-Sauve 49, AAA #5 St. John's-Ravenscourt 44
AAA #9 Steinbach Christian 47, Green Valley/Landmark 23
Sturgeon Heights 58, Oak Park 54
Louis-Riel 49, Windsor Park 35
Lac du Bonnet 28, Pinawa 19
Tec Voc 53, Grant Park 19
Lorette 42, Niverville 26 [Exhibition]
See more results, standings and schedules at mhsaa.ca

Support the Basketball for Life Fund with the purchase of a basketball specialty licence plate from Manitoba Public Insurance. Learn more at http://www.basketballforlife.ca
AAA #2 St. Norbert 49, AAA #6 Northlands Parkway 31
AAA #7 St. John's-Ravenscourt 84, Leo-Remillard 40
A #9 Wanipigow 49, Lac du Bonnet 47
Churchill 63, Elmwood 54
Stonewall 44, Grant Park 37
Westwood 49, John Taylor 36
Maples 46, MBCI 36
Shaftesbury 82, Kelvin 61
Sagkeeng Anicinabe 70, Powerview 18
Immanuel Christian 38, St. Boniface 29
Tuesday results
A #8 Hamiota 48, Major Pratt 32 [Zone 10 Final]
Major Pratt 45, Strathclair 43 [Zone 10 Semifinal]
A #10 Wawanesa 45, Killarney 16
Crocus Plains 65, Neelin 54
Stonewall 71, Churchill 43
A #5 Gilbert Plains 54, Grandview 23 [Exhibition]
See more results, standings and schedules at mhsaa.ca and stattrackers.net
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Stream your games for free using the LiveBasketball.ca platform

Junior Varsity Boys Game Results
Pilot Mound 72, Nellie McClung 59
W.C. Miller 61, Morden 53
Tuesday results
AAAA #1 Kildonan-East 73, AAAA #3 Miles Macdonell 70
AAAA #4 St. Paul's 88, John Taylor 55
Sturgeon Heights 84, AAAA #6 Oak Park 78
AAA #1 Louis-Riel 81, AAA #4 Jeanne-Sauve 44
Murdoch MacKay 76, AAA #2 Transcona 54
AAA #7 St. John's-Ravenscourt 90, Leo-Remillard 65
AAA #8 Nelson McIntyre 61, Windsor Park 50
St. James 75, Stonewall 53
Pinawa 53, Lac du Bonnet 41
Gabrielle-Roy 59, Landmark 52
Linden Christian 64, U of W Collegiate 43
A/AA #2 Niverville 75, Lorette 56 [Exhibition]
Teulon 52, A/AA #8 Gimli 23 [Exhibition]
Murdoch MacKay 76, AAA #2 Transcona 54
AAA #7 St. John's-Ravenscourt 90, Leo-Remillard 65
AAA #8 Nelson McIntyre 61, Windsor Park 50
St. James 75, Stonewall 53
Pinawa 53, Lac du Bonnet 41
Gabrielle-Roy 59, Landmark 52
Linden Christian 64, U of W Collegiate 43
A/AA #2 Niverville 75, Lorette 56 [Exhibition]
Teulon 52, A/AA #8 Gimli 23 [Exhibition]
See more results, standings and schedules at mhsaa.ca
Stream your games for free using the LiveBasketball.ca platform
Stream your games for free using the LiveBasketball.ca platform

Junior Varsity Girls Game Results
Crocus Plains 64, Vincent Massey BDN 38 [Zone 15 Championship - Game 1]
Treherne/St. Claude 41, Glenboro/Baldur 30
Rivers 64, Neepawa 38
W.C. Miller 77, Morden 12
AAA #10 Jeanne-Sauve 35, Lorette 15 [Exhibition]
Tuesday results
AAAA #1 Dakota 68, St. Norbert 20
AAAA #4 Sisler 75, St. Mary's 30
AAA #10 Jeanne-Sauve 49, AAA #5 St. John's-Ravenscourt 44
AAA #9 Steinbach Christian 47, Green Valley/Landmark 23
Sturgeon Heights 58, Oak Park 54
Louis-Riel 49, Windsor Park 35
Lac du Bonnet 28, Pinawa 19
Tec Voc 53, Grant Park 19
Lorette 42, Niverville 26 [Exhibition]
See more results, standings and schedules at mhsaa.ca
Stream your games for free using the LiveBasketball.ca platform

Junior High / Middle School Junior Girls Game Results
Holy Ghost 41, St. Maurice 29
Junior High Basketball Championships Information
Stream your games for free using the LiveBasketball.ca platform
Stream your games for free using the LiveBasketball.ca platform

Support the Basketball for Life Fund with the purchase of a basketball specialty licence plate from Manitoba Public Insurance. Learn more at http://www.basketballforlife.ca