The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport has released a report on behalf
of the True Sport movement – Canada’s national movement for sport and
community. The goal with this report is to provide the evidence that
sport can be a powerful and positive influence in our communities.  We
want to help communities, policy makers at all levels, business leaders
and those in sport, to see the tremendous potential that lies within
our community sport system.

The hope is that they will work together, and come up with new approaches that put this potential to work for Canadians.There is one very simple idea at the heart of this report – good sport can make a great difference.

We encourage decision-makers to take full advantage of the information
when planning policies and programs for their constituents and
communities. The hope is that they will work together and come up with new
approaches that put this potential to work for Canadians.
What is the report?

The report is a comprehensive document outlining the public benefits of
community sport. “What Sport Can Do: The True Sport Report” outlines
conclusive proof of how good sport can be used intentionally to
positively influence a wide range of societal goals, including child
and youth development, crime prevention, education, social inclusion
and economic and environmental sustainability. 

The report demonstrates that sport can be used to influence public policy to the benefit of Canadians in the following areas: 

We encourage you to take a look at the report for innovative
information on how the deliberate use of sport, with collaboration from
all sectors, can be used to the benefit of your community.


  • • Sport can increase the number of active Canadians, and increasing
    physical activity levels by just 10 per cent would save Canadians over
    $150 million annually in direct health costs alone.

  • • Participation in sport can stem the tide of child obesity – 10 per
    cent of Canadian children aged 7 -13 are currently at risk of
    disability, disease and premature death because they are obese.

Child and youth development

  • • Youth involved in sport are more likely than non-athletes to eat
    healthily and weigh less, and less likely to smoke, use drugs, engage
    in sexual activity, or feel bored or hopeless.

  • • Girls experience particular benefits from sport due to its protective
    effects against osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, suicide and
    adolescent pregnancy.

Social development

  • • Sport can help to strengthen communities by building social capital
    and fostering greater inclusion of marginalized groups like the

  • • Sport can help to facilitate the integration of newcomers.

Economic development

  • • Sport plays a significant role in the economy of Canadian communities by providing jobs and enhancing skills and productivity.

  • • Sport contributes to economic development and renewal. For example, in 2004 Canadian households spent $15.8 billion on sport.

Environment sustainability

  • • Many investments in community sport are investments in green space,
    with users often becoming advocates for their protection, proper
    maintenance and expansion.

  • • New greener standards for sport and recreation facilities are helping
    to ensure that sport is doing its part to make our communities more

Read the Full True Sport Report (PDF)


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