2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame, 145 Pacific Ave. Winnipeg MB

Tuesday June. 27, 2023 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

The Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on June 27th, 2023.  The AGM will be held at the Manitoba Sport Hall of Fame room at 145 Pacific Avenue, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

 All WMBA members(parents/volunteers) are welcome to attend. All Community Club Convenors are voting members. Community Clubs can send a representative of the club if the convenor is not able to attend. 

 Nominations are being accepted for the election of the following Board of Directors positions, incumbent in parenthesis:

  1. Vice-President Administration (Grant Richter)
  2. Secretary (vacant)
  3. Treasurer (Mike Ruta)
  4. Directors (Glen Cottick, Carrissa Reyes, Mike Picur, Clarence Vigilance, vacant) 

 Please see a description of each position below:

  1. The Executive Committee will have full responsibility for managing the affairs of the Association as per WMBA Bylaws / Policies and Procedures and the direction of the Board Members - Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President Administration, Vice-President Operations, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. The President will conduct all meetings of the Association and be accountable for the general business and responsibilities of WMBA.
  3. The Vice President - Administration will conduct meetings in the absence of the President and assist the President with the general business of the Association, ensuring the day-to-day operations are dealt with properly. 
  4. The Vice President - Operations will assist the President with duties as requested and be responsible for ensuring the game day operations are taken care of, including all game schedules, game facility management and overseeing of the Gym Supervisors.  The Executive Director will also share these duties.
  5. The Secretary will keep accurate minutes and records of all meetings of the Association.  The Secretary will distribute minutes to all members two weeks prior to the next meeting.
  6. The Treasurer will be responsible for all financial business of the Association, including keeping up-to-date records of all financial transactions.
  7. The Board of Directors will be responsible for setting the Association’s Policies and Procedures.
  8. The Past-President will act as a resource for the current President and offer insight and direction on league activities.  
  9. The five Directors will be assigned duties annually based on the needs of the Association and the skills and abilities each Director brings to the position.
  10. The Head Referee Assignor will be responsible for assigning eligible referees for all league games and playoffs according to the league schedule.  He/she will record and submit all records of the game assignments to the League Office for payment and will also be the liaison with all league referees to the Association.  This is an appointed position by the Board of Directors.  The position will receive a financial honorarium, as determined by the Board, for the services provided.  This position will report directly to the Executive Committee and will be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board of Directors.
  11. The Executive Director will be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Association including office communications, assisting the Board of Directors with their portfolios and other responsibilities as determined by the Association.  This position will report directly to the Executive Committee and will be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board of Directors and Disciplinary / Rules Committee.
  12. Should any member of the Executive Committee resign, the Board of Directors may appoint a replacement from the membership who would hold office until the next AGM.
  13. The removal of an elected member will be by a three-quarter majority vote of those members present at a duly called special meeting of the Association.
  14. At the call of the President, a Nominating Committee chaired by a non-Executive Board Member will be formed to maintain existing candidates, or pursue new ones, for the Board of Directors.  This Committee will be formed in the months prior to the AGM.

 Nominations can be emailed to sean@wmba.ca ahead of the AGM, however, we will open nominations up to the floor during the AGM. 

 More information, including the agenda, can be found at... http://wmba.ca/event/72033

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