Basketball Manitoba is pleased to offer support to families travelling into Winnipeg for Provincial Team activities during the course of the program.  The program has set aside funding support in the Provincial Team budget to assist families in this situation.  Based on the information submitted below, the funds will be split on a percentage basis among all eligible families in the program.  This support is available to people living at least 40 km one-way distance from the Perimeter Highway.

Basketball Manitoba also recognizes Winnipeg-based families with $25.00 per night who offer up their homes to billet a rural athlete, reducing the time and costs of travelling for program activities. Hosts eligible for billeting support must house athletes who reside outside the same 40 km one-way distance.

  • Where possible, all attempts at carpooling must be taken advantage of to reduce the total amount of travel.
  • All claims, distances and night stays are subject to verification based on PT practice/competition schedules.
  • Claims cannot include trips made to Winnipeg for the tryouts. 
Please complete the below form by August 31 of the current year to be eligible for financial support.  Late forms will not be accepted.  Data collected in the submission include the return trip distance to and from the basketball activity to your home, the total number of trips made over the course of the program, and some contact information.   

We suggest noting the number of trips you make over the course of the program as they occur and multiplying that by the return trip distance.

Can't see the below form?  CLICK HERE to view it in a new window.  

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