The Winnipeg Athletic Association for Youth (WAAY) Filipino basketball league has announced its 2018-19 registration dates for this upcoming basketball season for boys and girls ages 5-15. The season operates November to March.
Location: Garden City Shopping Centre - 2305 McPhillips Street at Centre Court
Registration Dates:
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Sunday, Sept 9, 16, 23 and last day is the 30th
(Not on Sept 2nd long weekend)
Time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Player registration fee will be announced on their website by early August. This includes uniform (customized top and bottom) to keep, practice once a week and trophy at the end of the season. An amazing opening and closing ceremony is also included.
Kidsport Manitoba applications will be available for those parents that meet the criteria, visit www.kidsportmanitoba.ca for further info.
We are in need of basketball coaches this season, please indicate this on the registration sheet.
Here are the dates for WAAY registrations at: (Please register early as we may put a cap on the amount of teams in each division)
If you have any further questions feel free to email at waayquestions@gmail.com
Please visit us at www.waaybasketball.ca
Instagram: waay_basketball
Facebook: WAAY Basketball
Twitter: @waaybasketball
For more information including a registration form, go to http://www.waaybasketball.ca