file icon 01. PCA - Overview  
The mission of Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) is to transform youth sports so sports can transform youth. Achieving this mission depends on providing coaches, parents and youth sports organization leaders with "bite-size insights." Because most youth coaches are volunteers for whom time to become an expert is scarce, it is critical to create a distribution mechanism to translate important insights from academic research into a user-friendly format that can easily be put into practice by volunteer coaches.
file icon 02. PCA - Elm Tree Script  

A two page script on the ELM Tree of Mastery which stands for E for Effort, L for Learning, M for bouncing back from Mistakes.
file icon 03. PCA - Emotional Tank Script  
We want to be able to play our best all of the time. To play our best we have to keep our “Emotional Tanks” full. What is an Emotional Tank? Well, it is like a gas tank in a car. When it is full, we run well, but when it is empty, we can’t go very far.
file icon 04. PCA - Honoring the Game Script  
Sportsmanship is important, but in order to get the most out of this soccer season, I want you to honor the game. We say the Honoring the Game goes to the ROOTS of the matter — R-O-O-T-S.  Each letter in ROOTS stands for an important part of soccer that we must respect. The R stands for Rules. The first O is for Opponents. The next O is for Officials. T is for Teammates, and the S is for Self.
file icon 05. PCA - Parent Pledge  
A one page parent pledge for to be used by teams to ensure all parents are on board with the direction the team is taking.  
file icon 06. PCA - Culture Keeper Job Description  
Many PCA partner organizations and coaches appoint official “Culture Keepers” to help reinforce Honoring the game as a paramount value in their organizations and teams. However, any parent can serve as an unofficial Culture Keeper. This document describes the role of a Culture Keeper.
file icon 07. PCA - Coach Evaluation for Parents  
Please help us evaluate how well we did this season by telling us about your child’s coach. Our organization is committed to Positive Coaching Alliance ideals. We expect our coaches to be “Double-Goal Coaches” who strive to win and to help players learn lessons that will help them be successful in life.
file icon 08. PCA - 10 Tips for Parents  
A one page list of ten important things a parent can do to support their child in sport!
file icon 09. PCA - Parent Letter  
A two page document for teams and programs to use to send to all parents / guardians in their program detailing the Positive Coaching Alliance.
file icon 10. PCA - Parent Pledge  
A one page parent pledge form for all parents / guardians to sign and return to their coach or program administrator.

Positive Coaching Alliance

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