Canadian Centre for Ethics in SportThe Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport is hosting an open forum on the topic of violence in sport on Thursday June 9 at 6:30 pm at the Sport for Life Centre, 145 Pacific Ave) in Winnipeg.  For details on how to play a part in this dialogue...

You are invited to: Violence in Sport - A conversation with the community

Thursday, June 9 - 18:30 
Sports for Life Centre 
Conference Centre - low 
145 Pacific Ave 
Winnipeg, Manitoba

If sport is to be fair, secure and open to all, what role violence plays in arenas, courts and sports fields in our communities?

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport believes it is time to talk to Canadians, especially parents, children and young people about their perceptions of violence in sport and how they define it.

Recently there was an outcry of public statements and media concern to the effect that the sport is becoming more violent. We see parents who take their children in sports or who refuse to allow them to play certain sports. We believe every child should have the right player in a fair, safe and open to all.

If we are to eliminate violence in sport, we must set the appropriate limits of what is acceptable behavior - limits that reflect Canadian values. To help us determine these limits, we need your input. We urge parents, volunteers, organizers, sports officials, children and young people to help us define violence, setting limits and developing solutions by taking part in a conversation with the community near you.
Mr. Paul Melia, president and CEO, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport 
Mr Luke Fusco, an enthusiast of the sport and former Dean of Social Work Wilfrid Laurier University
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