Basketballs for Inner City Kids' "Fun-Raiser Free Throw Competition" is now underway, with a couple of newly added prize categories! Simply collect a minimum of $10 in pledges and shoot 25, 50, or 100 free throws at your gym, anytime before June 25. Participate as part of your school, club or pick-up team, or play on your own as an individual contestant.  Prizes will be offered to the top FT% shooters in different age categories (from elementary school to adult), as well as to players on the top FT% shooting teams.  And the top three participants collecting the most paid-up pledges will win a Wilson Evolution basketball!  For more information and registration/pledge forms...

Basketballs for Inner City Kids is an all-volunteer project that donates
basketballs to children in the inner city. Since we began in Fall 2006,
we've given out over 900 basketballs and put up nets at several school
playgrounds. This month, we're hoping to distribute basketballs to all
graduating Grade 6 students in all twelve inner city K-6 elementary
schools (approximately 500 basketballs)!  To help reach our goal, we're
launching our new season with our first
annual "Fun-Raiser Free Throw Competition", running June 5 - 24.
Interested school, community club or pick-up teams are invited to take
part by holding free throw shooting sessions at their gyms anytime
before June 25. Players are expected to collect pledges and will each
attempt 25, 50 or 100 free throws (your choice), with a coach or
keeping score.

Prizes will be awarded to each player on the top (FT%) teams in several
age/level categories. Participation is free but each player is asked to
collect at least $10 in pledges. It could make a fun season wind-up for
WMBA teams or summer send-off for school teams!

A "half time event" will be held at the University of Manitoba's
Bannatyne Campus Brodie Centre on Wednesday June 16th, from 10am to 2pm.
Portable hoops will be set up for staff and students to try their luck
at shooting free throws for prizes.

For more information as well as registration and pledge forms, please
visit or contact Dennis at or 888-6336

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