Basketball Manitoba is pleased to announce that Brittany Wiebe of Brandon has been named a recent recipient of the Sport
Manitoba 'Women to Watch' athlete grant!  Brittany was a member of the Manitoba Provincial Team program in 2009 and is an up and coming basketball player from the Westman region.



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Brittany attends Crocus Plains High School and is also a member of the Pride Basketball Club.   

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A major initiative is the Women to Watch Grant Program. Working
in partnership with Provincial Sport Organizations and Coaching
Manitoba, Sport Manitoba provides a monthly grant of $500.00 to a
female athlete, team, official or volunteer to assist them in
enhancing their women in sport career.

A $500 monthly grant is also awarded to a female coach to assist
them in further developing the skills necessary to attain a higher
level of coaching or increased level of coaching experience.

to Watch Application



More information on the program can be found at

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