Basketball Manitoba is joining the push for aid support to help the victims of the Haiti earthquake. Ontario Basketball has challenged all basketball teams in Canada to step up and do team fundraisers and collection donations on behalf of your basketball team. Manitobans are well known for our generous and supportive spirit and we call on ALL Manitoba based basketball teams to join this fantastic cause!  Basketball Manitoba asks that you send your team's donation receipts to by Monday May 31, 2010. The teams that raise the most funds will be acknowledged nationally following the deadline. Donations can go to any charitable organization working on Haitian relief including the Canadian Red Cross. The International Red Cross continues to send much needed supplies into the region with the Canadian Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Fund surpassing $50 million in funds raised. Canadians are encouraged to support relief efforts by making a financial donation to the Canadian Red Cross Haiti Earthquake fund and are reminded that the Federal Government will match all donations!  Donations can be made online at or by calling toll free 1-800-418-1111 or at any Red Cross office. Read the Ontario Basketball challenge at...


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