The Canada Basketball Long-Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD) provides a consistent framework from which coaches can work. This document has been designed with the input of sport scientists and coaches from across the country. It is a long-term player/athlete development model that illustrates to
coaches, parents, volunteers and administrators at the local, provincial and national levels, the importance of a systematic and consistent approach to the development of athletes. It also recognizes
the importance of participation in securing the health of the nation. To view and download this document...


The model is to be used as a guide for coaches and administrators. This
will assist them in understanding the importance of teaching particular
aspects of the game to athletes at specific stages of development. It
is hoped that with this systematic approach, skills and abilities
needed to achieve excellence in basketball will be reachable. It will
also ensure that all participants will receive the appropriate training
that will produce well-rounded people and maintain a lifelong passion
for the sport.

View the Canada Basketball

Long Term Athlete Development Model (PDF)


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