All basketball coaches in Manitoba are required to complete the free online Respect in Sport educational course before their respective basketball seasons begin in order to meet the Sport Manitoba mandated requirement. Sport Manitoba, along with Basketball Manitoba believes in being proactive in ensuring sport in our province is safe and welcoming for all participants. Respect in Sport helps us promote those values through a simple and convenient on-line training course for coaches and sport leaders. It is designed as a tool to assist coaches in identifying and dealing with abuse, neglect, harassment, and bullying in sport.  To begin your RIS course...


Respect in Sport enables coaches to deal with legal and moral responsibilities, making them less vulnerable and more confident in dealing with sensitive issues. A risk management tool, Respect in Sport will help sport organizations reduce liability. 

As a mandatory requirement, all coaches identified with a Provincial Sport Organization (Basketball Manitoba) are required to take the course by the time their respective programs begin. These programs include...

  • Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association Coaches

  • Lipenos Basketball League Coaches

  • Winnipeg Athletic Association for Youth (WAAY) Coaches

  • Rising Stars / Independent Club Team Coaches

  • Steve Nash Youth Basketball Coaches

  • Junior High Invitational Tournament Coaches

  • Spring Provincial Championships Coaches

  • Manitoba Provincial Team Coaches

  • Nike Centre for Performance Program Coaches

  • Regional Training Centre Coaches

  • Manitoba Games Coaches

  • Todd MacCulloch Hoop School Coaches

  • NCCP Course Conductors

For more information and to begin the free 3 hour online course...


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