Greetings from your Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame!  As to the latest news, there has been much activity at
our Hall of Fame, as follows...


Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame

  1. Class of '09.  At
    a May 12th media conference, we announced our 2009 inductees. They are
    Jerry Abernathy, Andrea Hutchens, and Todd MacCulloch as players, Bob
    Hazell and Mike Spack as builders, and the 1995-96 Brandon University
    Bobcats and the 1992-93, 93-94, 94-95, 95-96, and 96-97 Warren
    Collegiate Wildcats Varsity Girls as teams.

  2. Induction Dinner. Our 12th induction dinner will take place on Saturday, October 3
    at the Victoria Inn on Wellington Street near the airport. Tickets are
    $65.00 and will be available soon - more information to follow in the
    near future.

  3. New Floor. On
    that same day, we officially opened the new floor at our Hall of Fame.
    We are very thankful to Big Sky Enterprises (Shawn Atamanchuk) and
    Fabris-Milano (Rick Watts) for donating the materials and labour. It
    looks great – drop by the U. of W. and check it out.

  4. Online Donations.
    The MBHOF now has the ability to accept secure online donations through
    the National Sport Trust Fund and Sport Manitoba.  All donations
    over$50 will be eligible for a full tax receipt (as per CRA
    guidelines).  The donations we receive will all be funneled into the
    enhancements at the Hall of Fame location at the U of W.  To help out,
    go to  Your help is greatly appreciated!

  5. Funding Grant. We
    also announced that we have received a grant from Culture and Heritage
    Manitoba to assist us in the further implementation of our Design Plan
    which has been developed for us by Candace Hogue.

  6. Fundraising Bingos. As
    part of that grant, we have been assigned two BINGO dates for which we
    need seven (7) “volunteers to work. These are great money makers for us
    and we do not want to do anything to jeopardize our status with
    Lotteries Manitoba. Please check your calendars and, if you are
    available and willing to help, please email Ross Wedlake at or call him at 668-9494.
    Both are at the
    McPhillips Street Station. If you have never done a bingo before, they
    are very easy, can be fun, and you’ll be working with other Hall of
    Fame people. Please help is you can. Thanks in advance.
    The dates are :

  • Monday, August 24 – 4:00 – 6:45 P.M.

  • Saturday, September 5 – 6:00 – 9:45 P.M.

All the best - have a great summer !

Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame


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