Manitoba's High Performance Basketball Coach Kirby Schepp has been asked by the Coaches Association of Canada to go to Amman, Jordan in the Middle East in late November as part of the Generations for Peace program.  The Generations For Peace concept uses sport to empower youth leaders from hostile regions, to act as agents of change to help instill peace. Kirby will be instructing new basketball coaches from around the region.  There will be approximately 70 people there from war-torn countries, and the intent is to use sport as a means to re-build communities.  The emphasis is on games and social interaction, not on competition.  The idea is for the participants at the camp to come away with basketball games and activities that could be used to engage children in healthy interaction.  He will also participate in other aspects of the weekend camp, assisting with other sessions and meeting with country groups to help them plan basketball activities when they get home.  Peace is the goal; sport is the means to achieve it.

Kirby Schepp
Camp participants, selected from war-torn countries and regions of conflict, will receive training in teaching, coaching, training other trainers, acting as ambassadors for peace, and conflict management, as well as skills and drills in six sports. When they return home, these Peace Pioneers will establish G4P programs using selected sport(s) to accomplish the following:

  • Build relationships and bridges

  • Build a sense of belonging

  • Normalize people’s existence

  • Strengthen life skills

  • Connect the socially excluded

Kirby has been an active basketball coach since 1994 and is currently coaching and teaching phys ed at Sturgeon
Heights Collegiate in Winnipeg. He continues his role as Manitoba's Canada Games Male Coach and the Head
Coach of Canada Basketball’s CP Prairie Region Boy's Program (involved since 2001) and is
Basketball Manitoba's most active NCCP
Course Conductor (Levels 1-3).
He is also very involved in the redevelopment of the NCCP model at the
national level and is one of Manitoba's few Master Learning
Facilitators. He has held the position as Manitoba's High Performance
Provincial Coach since 2007. His past experience with basketball
coaching has been
that of President of the MBCA, university assistant coach and
university athlete at the University of Winnipeg

Kirby was also named both the AAAA Boys Coach of the Year
AND the Coaching Manitoba School System Coach of the Year in 2007.

More information on the Generations for Peace Program can be found at...

Congratulations Kirby and good luck!

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