Legendary basketball coach Jack Donohue is remembered as a successful coach, businessman, speaker, and family man in the recently released biography, DREAM BIG DREAMS, The Jack Donohue Story.  The book was written by Mike Hickey, who was an assistant coach with the University of Manitoba women’s basketball team that won back-to-back national championships in 1995 and 1996. Hickey is also a
former Coaching Association of Canada Apprentice Coach with the Men's National Basketball Team in 1982 and a member of the Canadian National Women's Basketball Team that competed in the 1996 Olympics.

The 364 page book is an entertaining look at a man who used sports to develop character among his players and who left an indelible mark on all who came in contact with him. “If you didn't know Jack Donohue – or don't read Mike Hickey's biography on him – it's your loss. You can never be too rich, too thin, or hear too many Donohue anecdotes,” says Sports Illustrated's Mike Farber.

Jack Donohue's career as a basketball coach was unparalleled as he achieved success at every level from the tough New York City High School leagues to the highest international stage – the Olympics. As if it were not enough, he made a country believe in itself as he convinced Canadians that they could compete with the rest of the world in sports, business, and entertainment. Yet his coaching career pales in comparison to the role he played as a motivational speaker and mentor. He had the ability to empower ordinary people to believe in their own capabilities. He helped basketball teams and major corporations alike to achieve their goals through better communication, organization, and a commitment to excellence.

This book chronicles how he affected so many lives with his positive messages, personal anecdotes, and commentaries from his early childhood to his final days. It is an uplifting story of a man who achieved great personal success yet was always more concerned with the well-being of others.

"Jack Donohue was an extraordinary basketball coach and an even more remarkable human being,” recalls Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the all-time leading scorer in the National Basketball Association. “For all of us who knew him – he will be sorely missed. I'm sure all who read this book will agree with me on this remarkable man's legacy."

Sales for he self-published book, which until now has been restricted to internet sales and several select bookstores in Quebec and Eastern Ontario, has recently reached the 1,000 mark. DREAM BIG DREAMS is now available at the Winnipeg’s McNally Robinson Booksellers and on line from Maya Publishing for $24.95 at www.dreambigdreams.ca.

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For more information please contact:

Mike Hickey

Maya Publishing



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