Basketball Manitoba is pleased to announce a brand new feature that has just been added to its website.  As part of the transition to the FIBA rule system that all levels of basketball will be undergoing this fall in Manitoba, the FIBA Education Centre is packed full of information and resources for players, coaches, referees and administrators to aid them with this move.  The Centre features...

  • Over 5 hours of FIBA developed streaming referee and rules videos you
    can watch on your computer

  • Links to download all the FIBA Rulebooks

  • Detailed specs on the new FIBA Court Markings and a quote on who can
    make these line changes for you in Manitoba

  • Links to download FIBA
    ready scoresheets and a sample scoresheet to assist scorekeepers with
    their duties

  • Links to download of a number of FIBA developed coaching and
    administrator resources

  • A comprehensive list of the differences
    between the old NCAA system and new FIBA system

  • A link to the FIBA
    Experts website which is a huge world-wide resource of information for coaches and

  • A specific FIBA Forum message board for members to discuss
    the transition and other FIBA related information

  • A FIBA Frequently
    Asked Questions feature

  • A link to 

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FIBA Education Centre

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