We welcome your use of our web site to post details on your upcoming tournament!  There are THREE ways you can effectively promote your tournament, including the need for teams...

  1. Post your details in our Forum by CLICKING HERE.
  2. Create a FREE Team Website and include the details on it (along with more info on your team and programs).  Request your free team website by CLICKING HERE.
  3. Add your tournament or event to our interactive Web Calendar (shown on the left side of all pages).  Do this by CLICKING HERE
In order to access any of these services, you must be a Registered user of the web site.  CLICK HERE to register or login to the right.
Check out our collection of Sample Bracket Draws to help you with your tournament plans!
Please note that by adding your event to our listings DOES NOT
reflect an endorsement or sanctioning of the event.  For information on
how to sanction your tournament though Basketball Manitoba, CLICK HERE.

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