IMPORTANT: The below information will be updated as additional details are received by Basketball Manitoba from Sport Manitoba and the Province of Manitoba.
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In light of the news announced on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, and remaining in place until at least Tuesday, February 22, 2022, by the Province of Manitoba tied to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the current Public Health Orders have been updated. The details include...
- NEW: SPECTATORS: The number of spectators at an indoor sporting or recreational facility must not exceed 50% of the usual spectator capacity of the facility (removed hard cap of 250 people under previous orders). Indoor or outdoor facilities also reserve the right to admit or not admit spectators at the moment. (See below Public Health Orders for exact wording)
- NEW: TOURNAMENTS: The previous restriction not permitting indoor sporting tournaments (including basketball) has been removed from these new public health orders. Please note that just because hosting a tournament is now allowed under the Manitoba Public Health Orders, past tournaments hosted this time of year, including Championships, may still not return based on facility access, time restrictions, school division policy or other reasons.
- NO CHANGE: VACCINE REQUIREMENTS: All people AGES 12 AND UP (players, coaches, officials, volunteers, spectators, staff, etc.) must be able to provide proof of their full vaccination status along with other identification (see below for the acceptable forms of identification) to gain entry to any indoor sporting facility in Manitoba, including a basketball gymnasium.
- AGES 12-17: Those currently ages 12-17 can also produce documented proof that they have received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine for COVID-19 (SAMPLE), OR a time-stamped documented proof of a negative Antigen COVID-19 Test (SAMPLE) within the previous 72 hours that is confirmed by an authorized pharmacist or staff at a nursing station on a First Nation. This information is to be presented upon entry to an indoor basketball facility.
- Personal health information from individuals of any age is not to be collected by member clubs, teams or leagues in advance.
- These changes will affect all levels of basketball in Manitoba, including those at the club, community centre and school levels. More school details can be found on the MHSAA website. (See below Public Health Orders for exact wording)
- NO CHANGE: PARTICIPANT NUMBERS: Allowance with no maximum participant number restrictions for indoor basketball to gather for games, practices, training and camps.
NO CHANGE: EQUIPMENT AND HAND SNAITIZATION: All equipment, including basketballs and hands, must be properly sanitized before and after all training sessions. - Sanitizer Notes:
- A liquid form of hand sanitizer with 70%+ alcohol content in a spray bottle works well-cleaning basketballs and other equipment with a clean rag and on hands at the same time.
- The cleaner dries fast, leaves no residue or smell on the basketball or hands, and shows no damaging effects on rubber or synthetic basketballs.
- The liquid sanitizer and empty spray bottles can be purchased at home repair and department stores, including Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Lowe's, Home Hardware, Walmart and many other locations, including many online retailers.
- NO CHANGE: MOUTH GUARDS: Players who choose to wear a mouth guard during a basketball game or practice are to keep the appliance in their mouth at all times while active on the court. Players who remove or adjust the guard while on the court will be required to sanitize their hands again with hand sanitizer provided by the facility or a personal supply before continuing to play/practice.
- NO CHANGE: CLARIFIED PARTICIPANT DEFINITION CONNECTED TO MASKS: Manitoba's indoor sports facilities will require the use of non-medical masks; however, the "participant" has the option to remove the mask while active on the court. (see below definition). Facilities reserve the right to request that masks remain on at all times and that user groups should communicate with the facility manager to know what is required and are asked to follow that requirement. Masks are to remain on for everyone (including spectators) while off the court, including in the hallways, washrooms, change rooms and spectator areas of the facility.
- DEFINITION: Basketball Manitoba defines a "participant" at a basketball game or practice in Manitoba as a registered Basketball Manitoba member (including directly and through a member league, organization or club) as a...
- Player (both on the court or on the bench as a substitute)
- Head Coach, Assistant Coach and/or Manager
- Assigned Official
- NO CHANGE: POSTGAME HANDSHAKING: Basketball Manitoba is advising all member leagues, clubs and teams that the act of all game participants (players, coaches, officials) shaking hands/fist-bumping following a game will remain on pause. Teams can do a cheer for the other team and a wave following a game to minimize unnecessary additional contact. This move was added early in the pandemic before the mass shutdowns of mid-March 2020, and now with games returning, it will remain in place until further notice.
- NO CHANGE: SOCIAL DISTANCING: Social distancing (2m) is to be maintained at all times between players, coaches and officials when not active on the court and are expected to follow all other restrictions imposed by a facility when using change rooms/washrooms.
- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The wording of current Public Health Orders affecting sports in Manitoba are included below. The full Basketball Manitoba Return to Play Guidelines with the above exceptions remain in place can be found at...
View Document: Return to Basketball Plan: Planning for a Safe Return - Version 14
| List of Acceptable Proof of Vaccination |
| |
| One of the following:
- Manitoba Immunization Card (either card or electronic)
- Proof of single vaccination (print out or screenshot)
- Pharmacy confirmed negative COVID test result within 72 hours of entering the facility for activity or event.
| - Driver's License
- Birth Certificate
- SIN #
- Passport
- Health Card
- Student ID Card
| One of the following:
- Manitoba Immunization Card (either card or electronic)
- National Defense Canada COVID-19 Vaccine Record / Card
- Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) Travel Vaccination Record
- Canadian province/territory issued an official document containing information of COVID-19 vaccination history.
| - Driver's License
- Birth Certificate
- SIN #
- Passport
- Health Card
Ticketed Events
- All spectators age 12 and over must provide valid proof of full vaccination and a corresponding valid ID.
- Spectators age 11 and under do not require proof of vaccination at this time but must be accompanied by a fully vaccinated caregiver.
FAQ for information on immunization cards can be found here:
Exceptions for immunization screening:
- Authenticated proof of exemption from the Province of Manitoba
The new Manitoba Public Health Orders that were formally released tied to sports specifically state...
12 Outdoor sporting and recreational facilities must not open unless the operator of the facility ensures that the number of spectators at the facility does not exceed 50% of the usual spectator capacity of the facility.
13(1) Except for ticketed sporting events under Order 15, indoor sporting and recreational facilities, including dance schools and martial arts studios, must not operate unless the operator
- (a) ensures that the number of spectators at the facility does not exceed 50% of the usual
- spectator capacity of the facility; and
- (b) restricts admission of members of the public to the facility to the following:
- (i) persons who produce proof of vaccination,
- (ii) persons who produce proof from the Government of Manitoba that there is a medical reason for the person not to receive a vaccine for COVID-19,
- (iii) persons under 12 years of age,
- (iv) persons who are at least 12 years of age but who have not yet reached 18 years of age and who produce
- (A) proof that they have received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine for COVID-19, or
- (B) proof of a negative rapid COVID-19 test result within the previous 72 hours that is confirmed by a pharmacist or by staff at a nursing station on a First Nation.
13(2) For certainty, clause (1)(b) applies to spectators who are watching sporting or recreational activities at the facility.
13(3) Subsection (1) applies when gymnasiums and other indoor sporting facilities at a public or independent school are used for sporting activities that are not part of the school curriculum.
13(4) Subsection (1) does not apply when premises at an indoor sporting or recreational facility are used by a public or independent school for a compulsory or required course or an elective course that does not involve physical activity.
28(1) A person who enters or remains in an indoor public place must wear a mask in a manner that covers their mouth, nose and chin without gapping.
28(2) The operator of an indoor public place must ensure that every person who is not wearing a mask while in the indoor public place is given a reminder to do so as soon as practicable.
28(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in respect of the following:
- (a) a child who is under five years of age;
- (b) a person with a medical condition that is unrelated to COVID-19, including breathing or cognitive difficulties or a disability, that prevents them from safely wearing a mask;
- (c) a person who is unable to put on or remove a mask without the assistance of another person;
- (d) a person who is swimming or engaged in other athletic activities, including referees and other game officials;
- (e) a musician or other performer at licensed premises or at a performing arts venue or an announcer or broadcaster at a sporting event;
- (f) a person who needs to temporarily remove their mask while in the indoor public place for the purpose of
- (i) receiving a service that requires the removal of their mask,
- (ii) consuming food or drink,
- (iii) an emergency or medical purpose, or
- (iv) establishing their identity.
The sport of basketball in Manitoba will remain in this state until the new health orders are updated or changed by Manitoba Public Health.
Some Sport Partners have asked about Public Health order protocols in relation to contact tracing, high-risk settings, and self-isolation and we felt the information would be beneficial to share with all of you. First, some definitions: The period of communicability is when you are most likely to spread COVID-19 to others. For those who are symptomatic, the period of communicability is from two days prior to the onset of symptoms through to 10 days from the start of your symptoms. For those who test positive and have no symptoms (asymptomatic), the period of communicability extends from two days before your lab test to 10 days after you had the test. Close contacts are people who you have shared space with during your period of communicability. Specifically, these are people you were within two metres/six feet for a total of 10 minutes over a 24-hour period. In most situations, public health officials will no longer be notifying close contacts. Confirmed COVID-19 cases will be asked to notify their own contacts. Below is a flow chart on what to do in each scenario in regards to isolation. You can also view the high-res PDF here. |
Also to note is that the 5 days of isolation for positive cases is from symptom onset or test date, whichever is later and for fully vaccinated individuals only. A reminder that the current public health orders are extended until Tuesday, February 1, 2022 and more info can be found at More info on isolation can be found at Our website has a designated COVID-19 blog dedicated to the most up-to-date guidelines for sport, you can refer to at any time: Thank you for your patience as we awaited this clarification. Janet McMahon | President & CEO Sport Manitoba
NOTE: If there is a discrepancy between any Basketball Manitoba statement to the actual Manitoba Public Health Orders, the public health orders will always take precedence.
Basketball Manitoba will continue to monitor the current public health orders and make any updates or revisions as needed. This article will be updated as further information on these impacts is known.
More details on these changes can be found on the Province of Manitoba website.