The below club tournament has been officially cancelled due to the COVID-19 health concerns. You can contact the below event director for more information.
The Junior Bobcats Basketball Club has announced they will be hosting their annual jamboree basketball tournament in Brandon on April 24-26 2020 at the BU Healthy Living Centre. The age divisions that are being offered on a first come first serve basis are...
To register your team or if you have any questions, please contact...
Novell Thomas
Head Coach, Women’s Basketball
Brandon University
Office: 204.727.7431
Email: ThomasN@brandonu.ca
- 2010 Boys (10U)
- 2008 Boys (12U)
- 2007 Boys (13U)
- 2006 Boys (14U)
- 2005 Boys (15U)
- High School Boys
- 2010 Girls (10U)
- 2008 Girls (12U)
- 2007 Girls (13U)
- 2006 Girls (14U)
- 2005 Girls (15U)
- High School Girls
To register your team or if you have any questions, please contact...
Novell Thomas
Head Coach, Women’s Basketball
Brandon University
Office: 204.727.7431
Email: ThomasN@brandonu.ca