The Fusion Basketball Club has announced they will be hosting a tryout night on Tuesday August 31, 2021, at Sturgeon Heights Community Centre to identify players to be added to the roster for the 2021-22 season. They are looking for players who will fit the team culture based on respect, commitment, hard work and accountability. Fusion Basketball Club is a non-profit basketball club.
Tuesday, Aug 31, 2021 - Boys Born 2005 – Sturgeon Heights Community Centre - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Sturgeon Heights Community Centre, 210 Rita St., Winnipeg, MB
- Due to COVID precautions, players must pre-register via email / phone prior to attending (no walk-ons)
- All players interested in joining the club need to attend the try-outs
- All attending players should come ready to play with non-marking shoes
- Please bring your own basketball and water bottle – clearly marked
- Please bring a reversible jersey if you have one (or bring a dark-coloured and light-coloured shirt)
- All players are notified within 24 hours after the final try-out of the results/selection
- Fusion Boys team starts late August at try-outs and ends in May or June each year.
- The team may pause for School Basketball season (January-March)
- The team will be planning on participating in the PegCity showcases
- During the season, most practices are in the west Winnipeg area of the city.
- All players required to fill out registration/waiver form complete with a parent signature prior to participation
- For more information on tryout/Fusion Basketball – use the contact info below.
Please register by completing this form and sending it to...
John @ 204-792-7818
Club Email: fusionbball@hotmail.com