The Royals Basketball Club of Selkirk, Manitoba have announced they will be hosting a high-performance skills camp in preparation for the upcoming school season. This is a great opportunity for current Suns, Lancers, Hawks, Eagles, Royals and others who have a love for the game to sharpen their skills under the direction of Head Coach, Riley Goodbrandson and Varsity Coach Dean Goodbrandson.
Date: January 2nd - 4th, 2019
Junior camp ages: Grade 5, 6, 7 (female / male) runs from 12pm-2pm

Deadline for Registration and Payment: January 1st, 2019
Cost: Junior camp: $75.00
(Every child will receive a Royals shirt and a basketball.)
Camp Notes
- Cheques payable to "Dean Goodbrandson" or e-transfer to juniorroyals@shaw.ca. All cheques can be dropped off at Selkirk Comprehensive School attention Dean Goodbrandson.
- Please register by emailing Sean Stoesz @ juniorroyals@shaw.ca with the following details:-Name -Age -Gender -Shirt size -Emergency contact #
- The camp is insured by Basketball Manitoba.