The MHSAA has released the Notices of Motion as of April 30, that will be raised and voted on at its Annual General Meeting later this June in Gimli, MB.  Motions that have been put forward that have a connection to high school basketball include the format and timing of the Provincial Championships.  Read the details at...


 Whereas:  a mandate of Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association is to have students participate in high school championships,

And Whereas:  the current calendar for MHSAA provincial championships has the Provincial A/AA hockey and the Provincial A/AA JV basketball on the same weekend,

Whereas:  there are often athletes that have qualified for both provincial hockey and provincial JV basketball and they have to make a “choice” where they need to play,

Whereas: making a choice sometimes leaves one of the teams very short of players and impacts the overall potential success of the team during provincial weekend,

Be it resolved that the JV basketball tournament for A/AA occur during the first weekend of March on the Friday and Saturday, while the A/AA Hockey championships remain the second week of March.
To be implemented for the 2016-2017 school year.

Further Rationale – The above format will eliminate students having to make a choice which MHSAA tournament they may play at.
Submitted by Zone 6

Whereas:  in the current format of A/AA JV Championships, there is a great deal of duplication, and

Whereas: there are also conflicts with other sports, and

Whereas: we are trying to control spending

Be It Resolved: that the A/ AA JV Championships be discontinued
To be effective the 2015-2016 school year.

Rationale:   There are not enough schools competing in these categories and there is a great deal of duplication.  An open tournament can be held at season end for those schools that wish to enter.

Submitted by Zone 6

The following sport related motions refer to formats and thus will be discussed under New Business.  Discussion and a “Straw Vote” will take place and then the Board will review and consider further

Whereas a mandate of Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association is to have students participate in high school championships,

Whereas the current calendar for MHSAA provincial championships has the Provincial A/AA hockey and the Provincial A/AA JV basketball on the same weekend,

Whereas there are often athletes that have qualified for both provincial hockey and provincial JV basketball and they have to make a “choice” where they need to play,

Whereas making a choice sometimes leaves one of the teams very short of players and impacts the overall potential success of the team during provincial weekend,

Whereas the regional concept of varsity basketball has lowered the number of teams at the provincial championship from ten to eight teams but yet a three day, 11 game tournament is still scheduled/planned,

Motion A:

Be it resolved that the varsity basketball tournament for A and AA schools be moved to two days from three.
                                                                                                                                                                Submitted by Zone 6

Motion B:
Be it resolved that the regional tournament for varsity basketball be on the Monday following the JV basketball weekend.
                                                                                                                                                                Submitted by Zone 6

Motion C:
Be it resolved that the provincial varsity basketball tournament for A and AA schools be scheduled over two days on the third weekend of March – Friday and Saturday.
                                                                                                                                                                Submitted by Zone 6

Rationale for motions A, B, and C – If we move the varsity basketball tournament to two days (Friday and Saturday) instead of three (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday), we are making an effort to avoid missing any “more” classes by having the regional tournament on the Monday after the JV weekend.  Two days of school would still be used to have the varsity tournament occur, just one of them would be a regional date instead, occurring a few days earlier.
Further Rationale – The above format will eliminate students having to make a choice which MHSAA tournament they may play at.


Motion 6:

WHEREAS: The MHSAA membership, at its 2014 Annual General Meeting discussed option of different Provincial Championship formats for “A” and “AA” Provincial Championships,

AND WHEREAS: the membership instructed the Board to further develop this concept,

BE IT RESOLVED:  that a Regional Championship comprised of 4 distinct locations be set up for qualifying for Provincial Championships in the “A” and “AA” categories, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the teams would be assigned in the four distinct locations based on Provincial rankings.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the host and Northern rep (Zone 11 ) would be given automatic entry into the Provincial Championship (due to geographic issues)

Moved by Board of Directors.

NOTE: It is anticipated that these regional would incur an extra cost (referees, hosting) and this would be charged to the teams in the amount of approximately $100.00 per team


Motion 7:

WHEREAS: there is a continuing trend of students transferring schools solely for athletic purposes, especially for their Grade 12 year.

AND WHEREAS: this has the potential to create an uneven competitive balance.

BE IT RESOLVED: that the MHSAA adopt a Transfer Policy whereby students who transfer schools after their Grade 10 school year, will be ineligible for athletic purposes, in a high school sport that they played the previous school year.

BE IT RESOLVED: that this commence in the 2015-2016 school year.

RATIONALE: Currently, almost all Provinces and States have a transfer rule. With the rise of club programs, more students are being encouraged by friends, families, or coaches to transfer schools to have the potential of winning a Provincial Championship. This has the potential of displacing current students in that school, and may also have the potential to “stack” teams.

An Appeals Committee would be established to adjudicate transfer appeals. The Appeal Committee would have representation from superintendents and principals.  Some examples of where transfer appeals could be approved include families physically moving residences, internal school issues, CFS guardianship issues, etc.

Moved by MHSAA Board of Directors

Read all notice of motions plus any updates at...

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