Most high schools will begin basketball tryouts in the next few weeks. Here is an updated list of 11 tips to help you make the team:
- Separate yourself by being the most vocal and enthusiastic player in the gym. Be an energy giver and raise everyone else’s level.
- Hustle! Be the first player in line for each drill. Do everything at game speed. Try to win every sprint. You have 100% control over your effort.
- Make the extra pass. Be unselfish. Be a great teammate (We > Me).
- Physically box someone out every single time a shot is taken. Every time.
- Listen with your eyes any time someone is speaking.
- Dive for loose balls, take charges and sprint the floor as hard as possible every chance you get. Every team needs a player that does those three things consistently.
- Don’t over dribble or take bad shots. Those players are a dime a dozen. Make the easy play. Make the right play. Don’t be tempted by flash.
- Arrive early and stay after to put in extra work. Do more than is required.
- Play to your strengths and try not to expose your weaknesses. If you aren’t a competent 3-point shooter, then don’t shoot 3’s. Simple.
- Communicate directly with the coach. Ask the coach what things you need to do to earn a spot on the team. The key word is earn.
- If you make a mistake (which will happen), move on and focus on the next play. Maintain a smile and positive body language at all times.
Good luck!
Alan Stein
Hardwood Hustle Blog