Manitoba Wheelchair Sport Association has announced that it will be hosting a series of Mini-Paralympian Camps. The camps will take place at the Youth For Christ Centre, 333 King Street, Winnipeg on the first Saturday of every month from February – May 2013, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Each month, a different sport will be featured. The first camp, Saturday February 2, 2013, will feature Joey Johnson as guest. Joey Johnson is a 5 time Paralympic athlete who represented Canada as a member of the Men’s National Wheelchair Basketball team. He accumulated numerous medals during his illustrious career including 3 GOLD medals and a SILVER medal from the Paralympics. Joey will speak at the Mini-Camp, bring his medals for photo opportunities, and, lead the wheelchair basketball demonstration.
There is no fee to attend. Register by contacting the office at 204-925-5790 or via email mwsa@sportmanitoba.ca.
Camp dates:
- Saturday February 2, 2013 Register by January 30, 2013 Guest – Joey Johnson.
- Saturday March 2, 2013 Register by February 27, 2013 Guest - TBA.
- Saturday April 6, 2013 Register by April 3, 2013 Guest – TBA.
- Saturday May 4, 2013 Register by May 1, 2013 Guest – TBA.
The camp is open to children 12 years and under.
If you have questions, contact the MWSA office any time.
Angela Lloyd
Interim Executive Director
Manitoba Wheelchair Sport Association
145 Pacific Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
Ph. 204-925-5790
Email - mwsa@sportmanitoba.ca