The MHSAA has issued a number of motions that are to be considered and voted upon at its upcoming Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 17-19, 2012 in Portage la Prairie, MB. One of the key motions on the table tied to the sport of basketball involves the length of the shot clock used at the Junior Varsity level of play. The motion, which is strongly endorsed and supported by Basketball Manitoba and it's Technical Committee and formally put forward by 2 zones, proposes to change the current shot clock time at the JV level to 30 seconds up from the current 24 seconds. The backcourt time allowed to advance the ball over half court will also be changed to 10 seconds (up from the current 8 seconds). This motion addresses the JV level of play only leaving the Varsity level of play at the current 24/8 times. Each of the 15 zones that make up the MHSAA can vote on this and other motions at the AGM. Most if not all decisions made on this and any of the other motions are first discussed at the zone level with the intentions of the area then taken to the meeting in June. Basketball coaches at this and other levels of play are suggested to communicate their feelings on this proposed change with their respective school zone representative to ensure the best interests on the development of the game are heard. For details on this motion plus the others on the table...