RisingStars.jpgThe spring Rising Stars League Playoffs are coming! All Major Atom, Bantam, Juvenile, Sr. Men and Sr Women Playoff Rounds will start Monday, May 28th running on weekdays until Thursday, June 7th. Teams should expect to play on any of the weekdays during this time span. The playoff schedules will be posted on the WMBA web site after the end of the regular season. Standings as listed after the regular season ends (Thursday, May 25th) may not reflect final standings after the league tie breaking procedures are implemented.  Please see the WMBA League Handbook (page 26-27) for further details.  Subscribe to the WMBA Net News to the left to be automatically notified of when they are posted.  In the mean time, you can view samples of what your playoff draw will look like, base on the number of teams in your division.  You can view these samples at Playoff Sample Schedules.  **This posting is for Rising Stars teams not Community Club.
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