The Manitoba High School Sports Hall of Fame inducted six athletes, three builders and a team on Saturday in its 3rd Induction ceremony held Saturday at the Holiday Inn South on April 21. The sport of basketball was well represented with a number of individuals being included on the honours. Inducted this year was Rick Watts, Lynda (Kidd) Chorley, Frank McKinnon, Gladwyn Scott and Audrey Jones, Ed Alexiuk, Nick Papadakis, Chris Walby and Michelle Sawatzky. The team to be inducted is the Hapnot Collegiate (Flin Flon) Basketball Team from 1950-56.
Team inducted - Flin Flon Kopper Kweens- 1950- 1955
Athletes inducted - Back row - Chris Walby, Rick Watts, Ed Alexiuk. Front row - Lynda (Kidd) Chorley, Michelle Sawatzy (Koop)

Builders inducted - seated Audrey Jones, back L-R, Gladwyn Scott, Frank McKinnon

Source: http://www.mhsaa.mb.ca/pages/news.php