Your proposal for building the next outdoor basketball court should include:
- Letter from the President/Chair of your club/centre expressing support for the project. This letter should include the clubs ability to contribute $50,000 minimum to the project. Financial statements to this effect are helpful.
- Drawings/plans of where your court would be located on community centre property. Additional space to build a future second court is desirable. Aesthetics, supervision, amenities, stable soil, parking, power availability and impact on neighbours should all be factored in to your choice of the ideal location.
- Letters of support for the project from community/players/coaches/partners/governments.
- Synopsis of your clubs history with the WMBA (how many years involved, total players, contributions to the league etc.)
- Financial/business plan for funding the projects completion. Comment on any additional financing, programming that will take place and how court will be supervised and maintained.
- Willingness to develop a joint use agreement with the WMBA Foundation is a prerequisite. This agreement would allow for the occasional tournament or other infrequent event to be held by the WMBA.
- We currently anticipate construction to begin on this project in the spring of 2013. Construction could begin earlier if other factors need to considered.
The successful club will be notified prior to the WMBA Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2012. An announcement of the construction of the next court will be made at this AGM. Questions about submitting your proposal may be sent to Lee Hurton ( ) or Dwight MacNeil, Chair of the WMBA Foundation ( ).
Proposals should be sent by May 1, 2012 to:
WMBA Foundation
c/o Lee Hurton
145 Pacific Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 2Z6