Buzzz off Cancer History
Chanel Ducan who was many things to many people, including a charitable and giving person and die-hard Wesmen fan, inspired the event. After Chanel's passing from cancer in October 2009, the University of Winnipeg and Chanel's family and friends partnered together, inspired to pick up where she left off. By reading some of Chanel's goals, one can understand our Buzzz of Cancer mission, and how it can help so many in her position. Chanel's goals were: To get better, to start getting back into sports, to become a pediatrician/scientist so she could help other sick kids get through tough times, to play for the Wesmen.
Event Information
On Friday, January 13th, 2012 the University of Winnipeg Wesmen will be taking on the Brandon Bobcats. Women will tip off at 6:00 p.m., with the men following at 8:00 p.m. Hair cutting will take place during the event on the track courts above.
What happens to donations?
Funds raised with be split equally between the childhood stream of Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation, and the Children's Wish Foundation. The money donated to Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation will include patient care and treatment, supporting research as well as supporting cancer programs and equipment that benefit patients throughout the province. The funds raised for Make a Wish Foundation will go to granting wishes for children with life threatening medical conditions.
What happens to hair donations?
All of the hair goes to make wigs for kids. Specific organizations will be finalized by December 2011.
Who can donate hair & how?
Anyone with a minimum of 6 inches of undyed untreated (eg.perm) hair may donate. You can donate hair by cutting it at the event, or making arrangements with Buzz off Cancer for hair donations.
Instructions for Teams wishing to participate in Buzz off Cancer
- Establish a team name - this name will be used for identification purposes
- Establish team members - Names of team members will be requested for identification purposes before the event. Note - there is no limit to the size of a team and additional members may join a previously established WMBA team specifically for this event.
- Establish a team captain - As a team, all group members should work together to raise fund, and promote hair donations. However, the team captains role is to oversee team fundraising events, and ensure the safe keeping and organization of funds and hair donations. Furthermore, the team captain may be responsible for communicating with the event contacts.
- Receive team package - Once you have selected your team name and members, the team captain will arrange the delivery or pick up off a team package. These packages will include information, tips, childhood cancer ribbons, hope hearts, coin boxes, flyer's, posters and t-shirts.
- Establish a fundraising goal & ideas - How much money and/or hair would your team like to fundraise? Some ideas could be: a school bake sale, individual pledging, t-shirt sales, silent auction, sports tournament, dessert promotion, casual days, use of school assemblies eg. "I'll Cut my hair or shave my head if we raise..."
PROMOTE! - The last step is to promote the event itself . Word of mouth, facebook, twitter, text messages, emails, are all good promotion methods. Before the event you should focus your energy on promoting donations (but don't forget about the hair!). As the event approached, encourage people to come and share in your fundraising accomplishments by attending the event in support of this great cause!
Hair Donations - Frequently Asked Questions:
What does untreated mean? - Untreated hair is hair that has never been chemically treated (eg. permed)
What if I dyed my hair a few years ago? - Use your discretion. If your hair hasn't been dyed for a few years and is in healthy condition, your hair will be accepted.
My hair is grey, can I send it? - The hair is only used to make children's wigs, and grey may not hold dye so no, grey hair cannot always be used.
What about layered hair? - Please ensure the shortest layers are at least 6". We will not be able to use hair shorter than this.
How much hair does it take to make a wig for a child? - Typically around 12oz of hair is required to make one wig. That's about 10 average sized ponytails.
Who will be cutting my hair? - Singleton's hair professionals will be on site at the event to cut hair.
Will they style my hair? -The minimal amount of styling will be done to ensure hair is well cut.
Please be sure to check out the Buzz Off Cancer Facebook Page for more information: