The upcoming Provincial Election, Tuesday, October 4th will provide an opportunity for us to work together and ensure key issues impacting the recreation and park sectors are addressed with community leaders and election candidates.  You are both a citizen and recreation and/or parks professional or volunteer and participating in the provincial election is an opportunity to let candidates know that recreation and parks matter.  It is important to remember that getting engaged in the election process is not about taking on an adversarial role but rather the opposite.  It is an opportunity for you and others to become champions of recreation and parks and to enlist the support of candidates.  You can use this opportunity to convey your concerns and your willingness to work with them to address issues.  If a candidate is successful in his/her bid to secure a seat as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), they will be better informed and able to fulfill their promise to do what they can to help build a healthy, active and vibrant community.


Rec Connections Manitoba 


For your local candidate(s) to be able to determine and understand the value of recreation and parks and how they contribute to the quality of life in your community, a working document such as the Recreation Connections Manitoba Election Tool Kit will be most beneficial.  The Election Tool Kit will help you get maximum benefit from these opportunities.  The kit contains . . .

  • An overview of how to get engage in the upcoming Provincial Elections (October 4th, 2011)

  • Fact sheets describing what we see as important issues to address this Fall

  • Tips for using this strategy in your community

  • Links to the most pertinent election information such as Elections Manitoba and the sites of the three major provincial parties.

To download a copy of this resource, click on this link  ../assets/downloads/recreation connections mb election tool kit october 2011.pdf



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