The University of Winnipeg will be the best place to get your basketball game on this summer, as the University plays host to the Summer in the City Basketball League every Saturday starting July 9 through August, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm.  This event is sponsored by the Inner City Junior Wesmen program and welcomes boys and girls of all ages. There is no cost to participate.  Erfan Nasajpour, former Wesmen All Star guard , now playing professionally in the Iranian Basketball Super League along with current Wesmen players will be providing coaching instruction to the participants.  The action gets underway this Saturday, July 9 at 12:00 noon inside the Duckworth Centre, 400 Spence Street.

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 “Leagues like Summer in the City and the Heart of the City tournament we held earlier this year are key to developing meaningful programs for inner-city kids,” said Bob Axworthy, Inner-City Junior Wesmen coach and tournament organizer. “We invite everyone to come out, have some fun and support a worthwhile program.”




Bob Axworthy, P: 204.489.0720, E: 

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