The Junior Bison Boys Basketball Club hosted its 7th annual basketball tournament this past weekend at the University of Manitoba ands other area schools.  This year, the event featured 52 teams in 7 different age brackets with more than 94 games played over the weekend. Seven teams came in from out of town teams during the event, with entries from Regina, Saskatoon, Winkler and Brandon.  Thanks to all who attended, your team made our 2011 tournament a huge success and we appreciate you support.  The following teams captured the division titles this year...

The University of Manitoba and the Junior Bison program are committed to supporting basketball in our community and hosted our annual tournament this past weekend. We welcomed teams from within and out of province to come participate in an action packed weekend of competitive basketball.
  • Grade 6 -  Champion “Blizzards”
  • Grade 7 -  Champion “Skywalkers”
  • Grade 8 -  Champion “Winnipeg Wolves”
  • Grade 9 -  Champion “ Manitoba Magic”
  • Grade 10 - Champion “Winnipeg Wolves”
  • High School - Champion “Academy”    

Thanks to all who attended, your team made our 2011 tournament a huge success and we appreciate you support.

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