Young people, families and communities will enjoy improved sport and
recreational opportunities and facilities, and the work of parent
volunteers will be supported thanks to the new First Sports Program for
recreation and sports clubs and their teams, Premier Greg Selinger
announced this week. The $1-million First Sports program will provide grants of up to $10,000
for community and recreation clubs and affiliated teams to purchase
shared sports equipment such as hockey nets and baseball bases, as well
as maintenance items such as grounds-keeping equipment.  The program
will also help community clubs serving youth to undertake small capital
projects to maintain and improve the condition of their facilities.

 'First Sports' Program Applications Available Now

"Community and recreation centres are important hubs for children and
families," said Selinger.  "Investing in children by supporting the
places where they are often first introduced to sports and activities is
what First Sports is all about."

"Communities come together at recreational facilities and having this
support available will certainly make a difference," said Marlene Amell,
executive director of the General Council of Winnipeg Community
Centres.  "We are pleased to see the Manitoba government taking the
initiative to ensure community centre sports programs are supported."

The First Sports Program will help volunteers and staff continue to
provide opportunities for families across the province to play and grow,
the premier noted.


Applications for First Sports are available today at community centre offices across the province and online at

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