The Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Commission has announced that the Manitoba Indigenous Games will be held at Peguis First Nation and Opaskwayak Cree Nation from July 11-23, 2011.  In response to last June’s cancellation of the 2011 North American
Indigenous Games in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Manitoba Aboriginal Sport
and Recreation Council (MASRC) believed that Manitoba had to provide an
opportunity for the youth of this province and surrounding areas to
compete in a multi-sport event. To that end, the concept of creating a
Manitoba Indigenous Invitational Games arose.  Sports, including basketball were selected and team sizes were determined by available venues
and accommodations. Teams will be housed in villages (schools) in OCN,
The Pas and Peguis. Sport venues are located in all communities.


2011 Manitoba Indigenous Invitational Games (MIIG)

The experienced Games communities of OCN and Peguis were approached to see if they would each consider playing host to a week of exciting competition for our Aboriginal athletes.

All categories/sports will include both Male and Female athletes.


Week 1 – HOST community - Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN)    

July 11-15 - Basketball        

  • U15 (1997 and later)

  • U17 (1995 and later)

  • U20 (1992 and later)

Sport Manager: Jackie Anderson

All teams and individual athletes will be selected by the Coaches and Sport Managers this spring and early summer.  Several sports are still in need of qualified coaches. Coaching applications are available on our website. This is part of a MASRC-led development program leading up to the 2012 North American Indigenous Sport Championships (NAISC) and the 2014 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG). All registrations will all be handled through the MASRC office. MASRC staff members are closely involved in the Games’ organization as consultants to the committees and sports.

For more information please contact:                                                                                    

Team Manitoba Sports Hotline

Phone: 204-925-5937



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