The Coaching Manitoba Excellence Awards presented by Manitoba Lotteries recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements and significant contributions coaches have made to their athletes and their sport through coaching. Recognize a Manitoba coach today. Nomination deadline is February 4, 2011. For details...

The Coaching Manitoba Excellence Awards aim to recognize and
celebrate the outstanding achievements and significant contributions
coaches have made to their athletes and their sport through coaching. 
The selection of recipients is based on their unique contribution to
sport through the continued development of their athletes.

The award
does not reflect the accomplishments and contributions of a coach in any
one-year; rather, the awards are designed to acknowledge the
contributions a coach has made to his/her sport and athletes over a
number of years. 

The Excellence Awards have four categories. The
category refers to
the type of athlete the coach is primarily responsible for, with the
exception of the School System category, which refers to a coach who is a
paid employee of a school.

When appropriate the Excellence Awards will also recognize two additional categories: Years of Service and International Coach.

2010 EVENT DETAILS:Coach Awards

Who was nominated? Read the media release

Who won? Read the media release

2010 Event Photo Gallery



  • Grassroots Athletes - Vince Leah Award

    Individuals who coach grassroots athletes of any age. The coaching
    environment at this level is primarily non-competitive, with an emphasis
    on participation and having fun.

  • Developmental Athletes - Dr. Jack Hunt Award

    Coaches who are responsible for athletes developing competitive
    skills and preparing for competition at higher levels (i.e. regional,
    provincial, university, or Canada Games).

  • High Performance Athletes - Peter Williamson Award

    Coaches who primarily work with athletes that compete at the national or international level.

  • School System Athletes - Peter Dick Award

    These coaches are paid employees of a school (i.e. teacher, guidance
    counselor, principal) who coach as an extra-curricular activity. This
    award is open to those individuals who coach at all grade levels from
    elementary through middle years and high school.

  • Online Application

    Paper Application

    *IMPORTANT - CMEA Major Awards Sign Off Form

    Did you miss anything in your nomination package? Check out our Major Awards Nomination Checklist


    • Years of Service Recognition

      Coaches who have dedicated a minimum of 30 years to coaching at any
      level. To be recognized for this award, the coach must be nominated
      through their Provincial Sport Governing Body.

    Online Application

    Paper Application

    • International Coach Recognition

      Manitoba coaches who have coached at International Events in
      the previous year. The coach must have coached an International Event,
      in Canada or overseas.

    Online Application

    Paper Application

    Past Winners

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