Coaching Manitoba is excited to continue to offer a coaching recognition
program for Manitoba coaches of all sports and all levels.  The program
aims to identify coaches who are making great contributions to sport
and athlete development, that is, coaches who keep athletes involved by
making sport fun!  The nominated coach must be actively coaching and
have completed at least one training component of the National Coaching
Certification Program (NCCP).

To nominate a coach...

Coach of the Month

Global Sports

Sport Manitoba


To nominate a coach simply fill out the nomination form available at by the third week of each month for the following month.  Coaches who are selected as the “Coach of the Month” will be recognized through an email, press release, on our website as well as being featured on Global Television during an evening news cast.  Each recipient will receive a Coaching Manitoba “Coach of the Month” clipboard and t-shirt. Winners will be announced on the third working day of each month.

If you know of any deserving coaches please nominate them today.  For further information visit our website at or call us at (204) 925-5669, toll-free 1-888-887-7307.



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