The Tanvir Peace Academy is seeking volunteer basketball coaches for a new support program based in south Winnipeg.  The program is providing literacy, healthy living, sport and recreation activities to new immigrants in the area.  The group is seeking volunteers with a basketball background to provide programming for the children beginning this fall.  For details on the program and how you can get involved...


Muslim children in Winnipeg are living in a diverse culture. A safe environment for physical activities and healthy living is necessary for the growth and development of these children. Muslim youth need to engage in constructive activities including Canadian sport and recreation activities, so that the transition of home culture to Canadian culture will be smooth. In Winnipeg immigrant and refugee families can’t communicate easily with schools and vice versa because of parent’s busy schedules, unfamiliarity with the Canadian school system, and linguistic and cultural barriers.

Tanvir Peace Academy is providing literacy, healthy living, sport and recreation activities in both the mother tongue and English. This program is also important in order to fill the communication gap between parents and children. Through sport we are planning to help children with anger management and time management and team work that will assist them to integrating with the larger Canadian society.

To become a community in motion the Tanvir Peace Academy provides a variety of educational, physical and recreational activities. The pilot program started July 5th, 2010 and will finish on August 30th, 2010. An expanded program is planned to run from September 15th, 2010 to June 15th 2011, and the summer program is expected to continue in July and August 2011.

Program components include character education, healthy living education, environmental education and peace education. Physical activities include soccer, Basketball, Karate, swimming, games, track races and others. We expect to offer sports for three hours twice a week.

Through the sport and recreation activities, children and their families will gain skills and knowledge in common Canadian activities. Their confidence level in these sports will increase their sense of belonging; their interest in participating on their own will develop and they will be able to access community physical and recreational services of which they were unaware or reluctant to participate.

Timelines for physical Activities: September 15th, 2010 to June 15th, 2011 and Summer program July & August 2011 (Total 12 months) 3 hours per week physical activities games/sports/track races etc. Staff will be there for 4 hours half an hour before and after the activity.

Physical Activities for Muslim Children/Youth (Fort Garry, Fort Richmond, St. Vital

Students will be playing: Soccer, Basketball, Frisbee as well as Track Races and games. In future we are going to add Karate and swimming.

Once a month competition. Donors will be invited to meet and greet the players and their families.

At the end of every session there will be a sports day when families can come and see children/youth playing. Parents and guests will also be encouraged to join and play. Gifts/prizes will be given to children. Parents and donors will be invited to encourage the children and enjoy the spirit of healthy living.  We are planning to train our own students above 14 years old students as coaches.

Location: We are applying and looking for locations at the Waverly Heights Community center or the University of Manitoba. Our first priority is Waverly Heights Community because it is at walking distance and encouraging walking fits the goals of Manitoba in motion.Instructors will be trained as well as go through the criminal record check and child abuse check. We are providing scholarships for training to volunteers.

For more information, please contact Dr. Khalida Tanvir at 219-9735 or email

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