This interactive workshop set for Wednesday July 8 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm at the Sport Manitoba Building combines theory and interactive exercises. It
caters to 15-20 year olds who are involved in sport, recreation and
physical activity as athletes, coaches, volunteers and hope to continue
to contribute to sport in their future career or through volunteer
activities.  With sport and physical activity as a backdrop, the
session covers the range of leadership skills and attributes that will
assist young leaders to take on roles as planners and decision makers
during their school years and beyond. The session is fast paced,
hands-on and provides an opportunity for participants to...



Realizing the Leader Within

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 – 5:00pm till 7:30pm

Room 227 – 2nd floor, 200 Main Street, Sport Manitoba building

  • Identify activities in their sport or home community where they can develop their leadership skills

  • Discuss leadership traits and talk about examples of female leaders

  • Discuss effective and ineffective communication patterns

  • Review the importance of a strong introduction

  • Learn 5 steps to increase their leadership skills and strengths

  • Create a personal leadership plan and ways to develop and expand their leadership skills.


For more information or to register for this workshop, please contact Shawnee Scatliff at 

Advance registration only please.  Space is limited.

Cost:  Students:  free of charge (workshop materials and dinner included)

For more information on CAAWS’ Women and Leadership program, please visit .

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