Five new defensive drills have just been added to the 'Live Drills' feature on the website.  The Live Drills provide a flash based animation of a specific drill along with a detailed description of the activity.  The drills come to you from Manitoba's High Performance Male Coach - Kirby Schepp.  They join over 30 other drills you can look to add to your next team's practice.  Check them out at...

Welcome to the new 'Live Drills' section at! 
The drills have been developed by Basketball Manitoba Provincial High Performance Coach Kirby Schepp. Suggestions, comments or drill requests can be made at the bottom of any page in the 'comment section'.

Kirby Schepp


Live Drills!



Please note that only registered and logged in users can view the 'Live Drills' or make comments.

All drills listed below can be used at all ages with some simple
modifications. They are provided in a progression for easy


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Live Drills!


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