Once again this year the Oak Park High School student body is raising
funds for the Christmas Cheer Board through the Twelfth Annual Spirit
of Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament, running December 16th to

In it’s first year the tournament raised $300 for the Cheer Board.  Last year the tournament raised over $2,200 and collected over 900 food items for the Cheer Board raising Oak Park’s totals to over $24,000 and 12,000 food items in the tournament’s eleven years.  Through basketball, the spirit of social awareness is demonstrated as we give to those less fortunate at this wonderful time of year.

In addition to being a fundraiser for the Christmas Cheer Board, the Spirit of Christmas Classic is also an outstanding Varsity Girls basketball tournament.  This year’s tournament features some of the best teams in the province and promises to provide entertainment for everyone who attends. 

Admission to games is a one-dollar donation to the Christmas Cheer Board. 

If you would like anymore information or would like to support the event, please contact Murray Brown at 895-7221 or mbrown@pembinatrails.ca.

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