Submitted by: Sacred Hoops -

Rebounding is an important skill in basketball. Whether the game is
played inside or outside the perimeter, players can use rebounding for
defense or offense. It can even give more playing time to those players
who have high rebounding ability.

To become a great rebounder, one should exert not just physical and
mental abilities. It should be strengthened with fierce determination
and tireless drive to box out and rebound the ball. Basketball, like
any other sports, requires the player to be physically fit, mentally
aware and emotionally motivated to be able to excel in the game, and
especially in rebounding.

The essential skills of a great rebounder are the following...

  1. Physical Skills. It is always an advantage if the player can jump higher than his opponents to get the rebound. Exceptional strength, explosiveness, conditioning and timing are extremely important for a rebounder. Proficiency with the block-out technique can also help the player to do successful rebounds.

  2. Mental Skills. The player must be mentally focused and sharp. He should be good at predicting when a shot is going to go up, where a rebound is likely to come off the rim, and where the opposing players are likely to move in an effort to grab the rebound. These mental skills are usually learned through experience and observation. The player must know when to execute offensive and defensive techniques (e.g., block out every time on the defensive end, go for the board every time on the offensive end).

  3. Motivation. The competitive desire for every rebound plays a vital role for a great rebounder. This drive enables the player to properly perform moves and execute plans. If the player is oozing with zeal and vigor, he can easily read the game events and apply appropriate, enhanced physical and mental skills for a successful rebound.

The three dimensions above contribute to a dominate rebounder. It should be kept in mind that a player should persevere to improve by involving in rebounding drills and practice, and working hard to make everything happen.

Here are two defensive rebounding drills that you can use to advance your rebounding skills:

Boxing Out Drill: Full Court Rebounding or Pressure Rebounding

This drill requires six players and uses a full court. Two of the players will become the defenders (let’s say X1 and X2) and will be put into pressure to box-out and block the shots of the four opposing players (let’s say O1, O2, O3 and O4).

The players must be positioned in proper places before the drill starts. The two players are positioned at the free throw line of the opposite court. The four players, on the other hand, are evenly distributed vertically near the sideline of the court. The ball will initially be held by one of the two defenders (preferably X2).

The drill begins by passing the ball from the defender player X2 down the sideline until it reaches O4, who is positioned outside the three-point line parallel to the basket of the opposite court. Opposing player O4 then shoots and the defender players X1 and X2 must box out O3 and O4.

Return to the other side and repeat the same procedures – this time with the opposing players O1 and O2. Rotate each player’s assignment when the current defenders become proficient with the drill and able to defend successfully. Repeat the same procedures until all players become adept of the Pressure Rebounding drill.

Boxing Out: Lakers Box Out

Divide players up according to size and position. Each group of players should have an individual basket, must be composed preferably of four players, and a coach or manager with each group. The drill starts off with everyone underneath the basket getting ready for good box out position. Let’s say there are four players X1, X2, X3 and X4.

Players X1 and X2 are outside the three-point line of the court while other players are inside the line. Player X1 has the ball and executes a pass fake and passes the ball to player X3 in block who posts. Player X4 then steps in and box out with hands high (optional).

Player X4 rebounds, turns and outlets. Player X2 then steps to elbow for outlet pass. Then he sprints dribbles to one-half way then returns to 45 degrees pass fake entry to post. Player X4, positioned near the basket, will shoot and player X3 steps and performs a box out.

For more information, please visit the online resource of sports drills, basketball drills, individual drills, and other team drills at the website.  It's also free to sign up and offer some of your favorite drills.


Sacred Hoops


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