Cirrus Consulting Presents 'Beyond Chocolate Bars - Strategies for Raising Funds for Your Organization or Group'.


Fundraising for your community group??

Tired of the same thing?

Do you need to save time?

You are welcome to attend a seminar to help you gain the tools you need to raise the funds in less time and effort.

This is an excellent resource for Staff, Volunteers and Community Members who raise funds for groups or small organizations.


$30 /person – early bird rate before October 30, 2006

Groups of 4 or more - $25/person

North/West                                           South/East

Thursday, November 2/06                 Thursday, November 9/06

Sir William Stephenson Library        Louis Riel Library

765 Keewatin Street                           1168 Dakota Street

6:30 pm – 9:00 pm                              6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Tickets available by calling 955-7231. For more information call Cirrus Consulting at (204) 955-7231 or visit the website at

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