• PROPER ID.  It is extremely important that EVERYONE bring the proper identification with them to present at the border.  This includes either a valid PASSPORT or OTHER CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP DOCUMENTATION Coaches will be checking for proper ID when you arrive at the buses.  If you do not have the proper ID, you won't be getting on the bus.  More on all of this can be found at... http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/td-dv-eng.html
  • FORMS. All Basketball Manitoba Forms and Contracts must be in the office before you depart on any trip or you will not be permitted on the bus.  All coaches will have copies of the player’s contracts on hand.  This includes the emergency contact information agreement that all parents signed off on approving all out-of-province travel.  Find all the required forms here...
  • TEAM LIST. We have already sent a list of all athletes' and coaches' names, birth dates, passport numbers and citizenship to the border to speed up the process.  A question was asked on your provincial team tryout form of what your citizenship is.  
  • BORDER BEHAVIOUR.  When at the border, there is to be NO joking around or trying to be funny (on or off the bus).  Comments about a person’s identification, citizenship or nationality – even as a joke – will not be tolerated by our coaches and especially by the US Border Guards.  We don't want to see a long bus ride become even longer due to problems or even worse – someone not getting through the border.  This includes when the buses return to Canada following the tournament.
  • FOOD. Please do not bring any fruit, nuts, vegetables or meats with you on the bus as they may get confiscated.  More info is at...  http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/fpa-apa/menu-eng.html  
  • HEALTH COVERAGE. Since we are travelling to another country – the Manitoba Medical system doesn't follow us.  Basketball Manitoba has full accident and liability insurance coverage for all incidences tied to the basketball games and off the court issues.  READ MORE...
  • PURCHASES.  The teams will be in the US for more than 2 days which qualifies each person to bring back up to $800 Canadian in purchases.  Remember to bring US money with you!  The current exchange rate is at http://www.xe.com.  It’s recommended to keep tabs on your spending over the course of the weekend so you’re not scrambling on the bus trip back trying to remember.  Keep all your receipts.  More information on this can be found at... http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/declare-eng.html
  • PHONE / DATA USE.  Please note that phone, data and texting use in the US can be VERY expensive and should be limited to emergency use only.  A single text can cost over $0.75 each while in the US and phone and data rates can be very expensive.  If you feel you need mobile access while in the US, purchasing a travel package from your mobile provider is suggested.  
  • ALCOHOL.  Adult coaches looking to purchase items from the duty-free are suggested to not buy your product at the border but at a liquor store to avoid any extra line-ups or delays at the border.  Alcohol or illegal drug possession, or use by any player is strictly prohibited and are grounds for immediate removal from the team.  
  • ALTERNATE TRAVEL HOME. There have been a few requests coming into the office from families wanting a player to travel home with an immediate family member.  This is OK, but must be communicated with the head coach of your team.  We don’t want to assume anything and forget anyone!  Basketball Manitoba’s policy on this is that a player can not return on the bus only if they are left in the care of a parent (no ‘friend of a friend’s cousin', etc).
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